There are many great Scout groups in the Penketh and Great Sankey area. We’d like to think that we are one of them!
Here at the 30th we have an active and vibrant group of over 60 children with a dedicated team of leaders who provide a fantastic range of activities for all our children. Here are just some of the things that we think makes us stand out.
Family Camp
We have a unique annual family camp in June at Tatton Scout Camp which is the highlight of our year. This is open to all children in the group, their parents and siblings and is a great opportunity to experience a scout camp. The days consist of activities such as sailing, kayaking, bell boating, crafts, zorbing, straplining, inflatable obstacle courses, rope making and branding. After a tiring day and delicious evening meal everyone joins in with the traditional game of baseball and the day is rounded off around the campfire toasting marshmallows and singing campfire songs. A truly great experience for all the family.
Facebook Group
We have an active Facebook group where parents, leaders and older scouts can all communicate. This is great for getting updates and photos of the children whilst they are away on camp. Having the Facebook group allows both leaders and parents to quickly share information and news. The group is open to all parents of beavers, cubs and scouts. You will have to request membership and when we have verified you are known to the group, you will be added.
Click on the link below and you can request to join.

A Wide Variety of Camps
Our group offers lots of opportunities for the children to grow in independence by participating in indoor and outdoor camps. We offer lots of camps such as Winter Indoor Camp, Chariot Race Camp, Chamborees, District Camp, Summer Camp and monthly Zodiac Camps where Scouts camp out one night a month whatever the weather, simply because they love it!
Great Facilities
We are fortunate enough to be hosted by the Penketh Methodist Church who provide us with a modern and spacious hall and state of the art facilities. As well as the hall where we run our meetings, the church kindly allow us to use all parts of the building. This allows us to run events such as sleepovers in warm, comfortable surroundings.