Meet our Group Executive Team. The Group Executive maintains the governance of the group.

Ian Gornall
Group Scout Leader

When my boys started their Scouting adventure, I soon found I too had interest in what that were doing. I started helping out and the rest is history, with me having taken on many roles since then.
There’s always something to do, from visiting an interesting place to trying a new physical or skill-based activity. I’ve had a go of so many, some of which I’ve learnt how to deliver myself and gone on to teach others. I’ve met great, like-minded, people along the way, including some from other countries. It’s definitely helped me gain friends and given me a social life.
In my current role I’m using my experience to help others get just as much out of Scouting. I feel I’m making a difference and I get to see our members develop as individuals and team members.
My work has benefitted too as Scouting helps me switch off from 9-5, but all the time I’m picking up skills that I can take back to the day job.

Kath Shaw
Group Treasurer

My two sons  joined the Cubs Section at 30th Warrington after moving from another group. I could see how much they enjoyed it and in 2013 I volunteered to join the Executive as Scout Parent Representative. Seeing what went on behind the scenes and just how much the leaders and volunteers did was an eye opener. In 2015 I nervously took over the Treasurer position having never undertaken a role like this. I received nothing but support from the Exec and leaders and over time I managed to improve the group’s financial processes and maximise our income.

Working on the Exec has given me many things. I enjoy the friendships and working with people who selfishly give up their time and energy for young people. I have improved my own knowledge of finances and gained confidence in what I can achieve. Whilst I work “behind the scenes” and am not helping with meetings or camps,  I love that there is room in Scouting for people to use their own skills in different ways to help. I am grateful that I can play my own part in supporting a group which can give young people all the fabulous times that my own sons enjoyed in Scouting.

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